Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry auf deutsch

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summer sem. 2021
Last update: 21.11.24 11:17:26

SS 2022 WS 2021
SS 2021
SS 2020 WS 2020
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 12.04  2nd HS: 31.05  sem.br.: 19.07  begin WS: 12.04

4020210188 Physics of solar cells and their analysis by electron microscopy      VVZ  

Fri 9-11
weekly nV or digital (0) Daniel Abou-Ras
Fri 11-12
weekly nV or digital (0) Daniel Abou-Ras

Digitaler Kurs

classroom language
Basics of semiconductor physics
structure / topics / contents
Basics of semiconductor physics, generation and recombination of charge carriers, diffusion and drift currents, p-n junctions, tandem devices, current-voltage characteristics, detailed balance / Shockley-Queisser limit, quantum efficiency, electroluminescence, capacitance spectroscopy, basics of device simulations; scanning and transmission electron microscopy methods with specific application on solar cells: imaging, diffraction, energy-dispersive and wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, electron holography, cathodoluminescence, electron-beam-induced current measurements.
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
2 SWS, 5 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
P. Würfel, Physik der Solarzellen, Springer
D. Abou-Ras, T. Kirchartz, U. Rau (eds.), Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin-Film Solar Cells, Wiley
P. Würfel. Physik der Solarzellen. Springer
D. Abou-Ras, T. Kirchartz, U. Rau . Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin-Film Solar Cells. Wiley
. .
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