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Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Chemistry
auf deutsch
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summer sem. 2023
Last update: 06.11.24 14:22:09
Department of Chemistry
open physics
1st HS:
2nd HS:
begin WS:
Physik , Master of Science - Hauptf. , kein LA, PO: 2016
course catalog
| timetable |
Vollständiges course catalog
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | PO2014
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2014
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | PO2015
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
AWirt | M.Ed.(BS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
AWiss | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2005
AWiss | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2014
AgEco | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
AgEco | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
Bio | B.A.-ZF | PO2015
Bio | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-KF | LA | PO2004
Bio | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-KF | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2021
Bio | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Bio | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Bio | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2017
BioPhy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
BioPhy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2021
BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
Che | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Che | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2017
Che | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Che | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2017
Che | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2020
Che | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
Che | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Che | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2017
Che | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Che | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Che | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
EW | B.A.-KF | PO2016
EW | B.A.-ZF | PO2016
EW | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2016
EW | M.A.-H | PO2016
GBau | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2002
GBau | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2005
GBau | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2014
Inf | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2004
Inf | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2010
Inf | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2004
Inf | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2010
Inf | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | B.A.-ZF | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-Beifach | LA | PO2009
Inf | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-KF | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2009
Inf | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-ZF | LA | PO2010
Inf | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Inf | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Inf | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
LGW | B.Sc.-KF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2011
Math | B.A.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Math | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2011
Math | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Math | B.A.-ZF | PO2015
Math | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2016
Math | B.Sc.-Beifach | LA | PO2009
Math | B.Sc.-Beifach | LA | PO2010
Math | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2009
Math | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2014
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | LA | PO2011
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2015
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2016
Math | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Math | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Math | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2018
Math | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2009
Math | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
Phy | B.A.-ZF | PO2018
Phy | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
PolSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
Sach | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2019
Sach | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2016
Sach-D-M | Zert(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2019
Sach | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2020
SachGW | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2016
SachGW | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2018
SachNW | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2019
SachNW | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2019
SachNW | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2016
SachNW | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2018
WiInf | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2020230029 SE
[WP4,UeWP Ch]
Julia Stähler
Ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter (Stähler group)
6.FS Che | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
1.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
2.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
3.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4020230101 UE
Jeremy Green
Statistical Physics
ZGW 2 1.021
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230057 VL
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics I
NEW 15 3'101
1st HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230058 VL
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics II
NEW 15 3'101
2nd HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230101 VL
Agostino Patella
Statistical Physics
ZGW 2 1.021
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230162 VL
Peter Marquard
Quantum Chromodynamics at Colliders
NEW 14 1'10
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230048 VL
Björn Leder
Computational Physics III
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230162 VL
Peter Marquard
Quantum Chromodynamics at Colliders
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230174 VL
Martin Falcke
Biological Physics VL
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
2.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
3.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4020230035 VL
Rob Klabbers
Group Theory in Physics
ZGW 2 1.207
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Math | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020230208 VL
Daniel Abou-Ras
Physics of solar cells and their analysis by electron microscopy
nV or digital
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
8.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
3.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230162 UE
Peter Marquard
Quantum Chromodynamics at Colliders
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230174 VL
Martin Falcke
Biological Physics VL
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
2.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
3.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4020230035 VL
Rob Klabbers
Group Theory in Physics
ZGW 2 1.207
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Math | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020230012 VL
Franz Schmidt
Introduction to Electron Microscopy
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230014 PR
Markus Krutzik
Tim Schröder
Sven Ramelow
Advanced Optical Sciences
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230014 VL
Tim Schröder
Sven Ramelow
Sebastian Heeg
Advanced Optical Sciences
NEW 14 1'12
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230044 FS
Alejandro Saenz
Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
NEW 15 1'403
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230056 SE
Fariba Hatami
Material science of semiconductors
NEW 15 3'519
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230200 VL
Igor Sokolov
Physical kinetics
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230121 VL
[P8c,P22.e,IMP FWB]
Olivio Chiatti
Electronics (SoSe 23)
NEW 15 1'202
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230088 VL
Claudia Draxl
Electronic structure theory
ZGW 2 1.121
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230096 FS
Saskia Fischer
Novel Materials
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
4020230107 FS
Peter Uwer
Theoretical Particle Physics, Phenomenology at Colliders
NEW 15 1'422
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230121 PR
[P8c,P22.e,IMP FWB]
Olivio Chiatti
Electronics (SoSe 23)
NEW 14 2'05
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230094 VL
Saskia Fischer
Quantum materials
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230174 UE
Martin Falcke
Biological Physics VL
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
2.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
3.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4020230043 VL
Alejandro Saenz
Oliver Benson
Quantum Information and Quantum Computers
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230146 VL
Santiago Rigamonti
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
ZGW 2 1.121
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230030 VL
Niels Wessel
Computational Biosignal Analysis II - Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Modeling
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230101 VL
Agostino Patella
Statistical Physics
ZGW 2 1.021
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230208 UE
Daniel Abou-Ras
Physics of solar cells and their analysis by electron microscopy
nV or digital
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
8.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
3.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4020230054 VL
Fariba Hatami
Physics of Semiconductors
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230146 TU
Santiago Rigamonti
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
NEW 15 1'427
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230088 VL
Claudia Draxl
Electronic structure theory
ZGW 2 1.121
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230195 UE
Jakob Nordin
Analysis Techniques in Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Astronomy
NEW 14 1'12
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230096 FS
Saskia Fischer
Novel Materials
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
4020230107 FS
Peter Uwer
Theoretical Particle Physics, Phenomenology at Colliders
NEW 15 1'422
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230121 PR
[P8c,P22.e,IMP FWB]
Olivio Chiatti
Electronics (SoSe 23)
NEW 14 2'05
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230094 VL
Saskia Fischer
Quantum materials
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230174 UE
Martin Falcke
Biological Physics VL
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
2.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
3.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4020230043 UE
Alejandro Saenz
Oliver Benson
Quantum Information and Quantum Computers
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230146 VL
Santiago Rigamonti
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
ZGW 2 1.121
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230030 VL
Niels Wessel
Computational Biosignal Analysis II - Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Modeling
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230101 VL
Agostino Patella
Statistical Physics
ZGW 2 1.021
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230054 VL
Fariba Hatami
Physics of Semiconductors
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230146 TU
Santiago Rigamonti
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
NEW 15 1'427
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230141 FS
Manish Kumar
Advanced topics of computational solid-state theory (C. Draxl)
ZGW 2 1.121
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230014 SE
Markus Krutzik
Tim Schröder
Sven Ramelow
Sebastian Heeg
Advanced Optical Sciences
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230207 SE
Oliver Benson
Kurt Busch
Achim Peters
Alejandro Saenz
Sven Ramelow
Francesco Intravaia
Markus Krutzik
Jürgen Volz
Philipp Schneeweiß
Optics / Photonics: Project and Seminar
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230195 VL
Jakob Nordin
Analysis Techniques in Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Astronomy
NEW 14 1'13
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230200 UE
Igor Sokolov
Physical kinetics
NEW 14 1'11
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230121 PR
[P8c,P22.e,IMP FWB]
Olivio Chiatti
Electronics (SoSe 23)
NEW 14 2'05
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230142 FS
Manish Kumar
Selected problems of condensed-matter theory (C. Draxl)
ZGW 2 1.121
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230064 VL
Steven Worm
NEW 14 1'10
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230057 UE
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics I
NEW 15 3'101
1st HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230121 PR
[P8c,P22.e,IMP FWB]
Olivio Chiatti
Electronics (SoSe 23)
NEW 14 2'05
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230058 UE
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics II
NEW 15 3'101
2nd HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230015 VL
William Ted Masselink
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
NEW 14 1'11
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230093 VL
Saskia Fischer
Physics of nanostructures
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230043 VL
Alejandro Saenz
Oliver Benson
Quantum Information and Quantum Computers
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230057 VL
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics I
NEW 15 3'101
1st HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230200 VL
Igor Sokolov
Physical kinetics
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230058 VL
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics II
NEW 15 3'101
2nd HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230088 UE
Claudia Draxl
Electronic structure theory
ZGW 2 1.121
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230093 UE
Saskia Fischer
Physics of nanostructures
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230094 UE
Saskia Fischer
Quantum materials
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230194 VL
Gerd Schneider
Fourier Optics and X-ray Microscopy
NEW 14 1'13
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230030 UE
Niels Wessel
Computational Biosignal Analysis II - Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Modeling
NEW 15 1'427
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230054 UE
Fariba Hatami
Physics of Semiconductors
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230048 VL
Björn Leder
Computational Physics III
NEW 15 1'202
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230057 VL
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics I
NEW 15 3'101
1st HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230200 VL
Igor Sokolov
Physical kinetics
NEW 15 2'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230058 VL
Thorsten Kuhl
Priscilla Pani
Experimental Particle Physics II
NEW 15 3'101
2nd HS
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230088 UE
Claudia Draxl
Electronic structure theory
ZGW 2 1.121
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230093 UE
Saskia Fischer
Physics of nanostructures
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230094 UE
Saskia Fischer
Quantum materials
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230194 UE
Gerd Schneider
Fourier Optics and X-ray Microscopy
NEW 14 1'13
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230030 UE
Niels Wessel
Computational Biosignal Analysis II - Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Modeling
NEW 15 1'427
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230054 UE
Fariba Hatami
Physics of Semiconductors
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230048 UE
Björn Leder
Computational Physics III
NEW 15 1'202
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230012 UE
Holm Kirmse
Introduction to Electron Microscopy
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230194 VL
Gerd Schneider
Fourier Optics and X-ray Microscopy
NEW 14 1'11
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230000 CO
[SG Ph]
ProfessorInnen der Physik
Colloquium of department of physics
NEW 15 1'201
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS PolSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230146 UE
Santiago Rigamonti
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science
NEW 15 1'427
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230064 UE
Abdullah Nayaz
NEW 14 1'10
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230015 UE
William Ted Masselink
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
NEW 14 1'11
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230060 VL
Holm Kirmse
Anna Mogilatenko
Fundamentals of crystallography and crystal defects
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230035 VL
Rob Klabbers
Group Theory in Physics
ZGW 2 1.207
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Math | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020230095 VL
William Ted Masselink
Thomas Schröder
Roman Engel-Herbert
New directions in electronics, optoelectronics, and devices
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230181 VL
Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers
Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging
NEW 15 1'202
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230014 PR
Markus Krutzik
Tim Schröder
Sven Ramelow
Advanced Optical Sciences
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230014 VL
Tim Schröder
Sven Ramelow
Sebastian Heeg
Advanced Optical Sciences
NEW 14 1'12
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230055 FS
William Ted Masselink
Fariba Hatami
Advances in Semiconductor Nanostructure Hetrostructures
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230078 PR
[P8b,P22.f,IMP FWB]
Steffen Hackbarth
Fariba Hatami
Stefan Kirstein
Nikolai Severin
Ms. Bahmani
Esteban Gomez Lopez
Olivio Chiatti
Holm Kirmse
Sylke Blumstengel
Jürgen Volz
William Ted Masselink
Benedikt Haas
Philipp Schneeweiß
Georgi Gregoriev
Patrick Amsalem
Advanced Physics Laboratory
NEW 15 3'201
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
7.FS IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
4020230035 UE
Rob Klabbers
Group Theory in Physics
ZGW 2 1.207
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS Math | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020230095 VL
William Ted Masselink
Thomas Schröder
Roman Engel-Herbert
New directions in electronics, optoelectronics, and devices
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230181 VL
Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers
Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging
NEW 15 1'202
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230012 UE
Holm Kirmse
Introduction to Electron Microscopy
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230060 UE
Holm Kirmse
Fundamentals of crystallography and crystal defects
NEW 15 3'101
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
2.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020230095 VL
William Ted Masselink
Thomas Schröder
Roman Engel-Herbert
New directions in electronics, optoelectronics, and devices
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020230095 UE
William Ted Masselink
Thomas Schröder
Roman Engel-Herbert
New directions in electronics, optoelectronics, and devices
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
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© IRZ Physik, Version 2019.1.1 vom 24.09.2019