Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Physics auf deutsch

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summer sem. 2023
Last update: 06.11.24 14:22:09

SS 2024 WS 2023
SS 2023
SS 2022 WS 2022
Department of Physics
open chemistry
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 17.04  2nd HS: 05.06  sem.br.: 24.07  begin WS: 15.10

2020230106 Chemical Biology (sem.br.)      VVZ  

SE weekly Christian Hackenberger, Dorothea Fiedler


classroom language
Proteomic: Lysis, digestion, enrichment, pulldown, MS-Analyse
SPPS: Synthese eines zellpenetrierenden Peptids
Protein/Antibody Labeling: Fluoresence gel
Mutagenese and protein expression
Mikroskopie: Zellaufnahme
Basic knowledge in biochemistry desirable
structure / topics / contents
1. PTMs
2. Signaling
3. Proteomik/ABPP
4. Imaging
5. Protein Folding/Proteostasis
6. Epigenetik
7. Protein Ligation
8. Biochemical Methods for unnatural protein expression (amber, auxo, metabolic eng, enzymatic)
9. Bioorthogonal/bioconjugation
10. Protein-conjugates/drug delivery
assigned modules
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
4 SWS, 5 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
For both seminars special services have to be provided. The lecture seminar will require a seminar presentation (20 min); the practical seminar will require a practical report (5-10 pages).
The module will take place in the interim semester at the FMP - Leibnizforschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, Geb. 81, 13125 Berlin-Buch.
You need to register in Moodle until April 30th 2023 the latest.
Date of the seminar: 18.09.-29.09.2023.
Prof. Hackenberger, Prof. Fiedler
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