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Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Chemistry
auf deutsch
winter sem. 2022
Last update: 21.11.24 11:11:39
Department of Chemistry
open physics
1st HS:
2nd HS:
begin SS:
Physik , Master of Science - Hauptf. , kein LA, PO: 2016
course catalog
| timetable |
Vollständiges course catalog
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | PO2014
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2014
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | PO2015
AGW | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
AWirt | M.Ed.(BS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
AWiss | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2005
AWiss | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2014
AgEco | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
AgEco | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
Bio | B.A.-ZF | PO2015
Bio | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-KF | LA | PO2004
Bio | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-KF | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2021
Bio | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Bio | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Bio | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2017
Bio | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Bio | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2017
BioPhy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
BioPhy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2021
BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
Che | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Che | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2017
Che | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Che | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2017
Che | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2020
Che | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
Che | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Che | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2017
Che | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Che | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Che | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
EW | B.A.-KF | PO2016
EW | B.A.-ZF | PO2016
EW | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2016
EW | M.A.-H | PO2016
GBau | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2002
GBau | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2005
GBau | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2014
Inf | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2004
Inf | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2010
Inf | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2004
Inf | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2010
Inf | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | B.A.-ZF | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-Beifach | LA | PO2009
Inf | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-KF | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2009
Inf | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-ZF | LA | PO2010
Inf | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Inf | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Inf | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Inf | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
IMP | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2019
LGW | B.Sc.-KF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.A.-KF | LA | PO2011
Math | B.A.-KF | LA-O | PO2015
Math | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.A.-ZF | LA | PO2011
Math | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Math | B.A.-ZF | PO2015
Math | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2016
Math | B.Sc.-Beifach | LA | PO2009
Math | B.Sc.-Beifach | LA | PO2010
Math | B.Sc.-Mono | LA | PO2009
Math | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2014
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | LA | PO2007
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | LA | PO2011
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2015
Math | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2016
Math | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Math | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Math | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2015
Math | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2018
Math | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2009
Math | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
Phy | B.A.-ZF | PO2018
Phy | B.A.-ZF | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-ZF | PO2018
Phy | B.Sc.-ZF | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(BS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(GYM)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ICourse)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ICourse)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-1F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Ed.(ISS)-2F | LA-O | PO2018
Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
PolSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
Sach | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2019
Sach | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2016
Sach-D-M | Zert(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2019
Sach | B.A.(GS)SF | LA-O | PO2020
SachGW | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2016
SachGW | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2018
SachNW | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2019
SachNW | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2019
SachNW | M.Ed.(GS)-SF | LA-O | PO2016
SachNW | M.Ed.(QGS)-SF | LA-O | PO2018
WiInf | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2020225022 SE
[WP4,UeWP Ch]
Anne Julia Müller-Stähler
Ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter (Stähler group)
6.FS Che | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2015
1.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
2.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
3.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4020225108 VL
Martin Schmidbauer
X-Ray Scattering: Basics and Applications in Materials Science
NEW 14 1'10
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020225170 SE
Fariba Hatami
Material science of semiconductors
NEW 15 3'519
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225175 FS
Steffen Hackbarth
NEW 15 3'101
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4.FS BioPhy | M.Sc.-H | LA | PO2008
4020225193 FS
Saskia Fischer
Novel Materials
NEW 14 1'14
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-KF | LA-O | PO2018
4020225194 VL
Saskia Fischer
Quantum materials
NEW 14 1'14
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225095 FS
Heiko Lacker
Search for long-lived particles with ATLAS (H. Lacker)
nV or digital
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225122 FS
Claudia Draxl
Advanced topics of computational solid-state theory (C. Draxl)
ZGW 2 1.121
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225111 SE
Oliver Benson
Kurt Busch
Achim Peters
Alejandro Saenz
Sven Ramelow
Francesco Intravaia
Markus Krutzik
Jürgen Volz
Philipp Schneeweiß
Optics / Photonics: Project and Seminar
NEW 15 2'102
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
1.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020225159 FS
Agostino Patella
Oliver Bär
Lattice Field Theory: HU-DESY joint seminar
NEW 15 3'101
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225123 FS
Claudia Draxl
Selected problems of condensed-matter theory (C. Draxl)
ZGW 2 1.121
4.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225108 UE
Martin Schmidbauer
X-Ray Scattering: Basics and Applications in Materials Science
NEW 14 1'10
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020225028 FS
Norbert Koch
Andreas Opitz
Electronic properties of modern semiconductors
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225194 UE
Saskia Fischer
Quantum materials
NEW 14 1'14
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225096 FS
Heiko Lacker
Reasearch seminar: Physics with the SND@LHC and SHiP experiments
nV or digital
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225026 VL
Patrick Amsalem
Surface Science: Principles and Applications
BT 6 1'06
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4020225144 FS
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
Quantum Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Seminar
ZGW 2 1.221
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225000 CO
[SG Ph]
ProfessorInnen der Physik
Colloquium of department of physics
NEW 15 1'201
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS PolSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020225160 FS
Agostino Patella
Jens Lücke
Lattice Field Theory: group seminar and journal club
nV or digital
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225186 FS
Christoph Koch
Current topics in electron microscopy
NEW 15 3'116
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020225026 UE
Patrick Amsalem
Surface Science: Principles and Applications
BT 6 1'06
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4.FS Che | M.Sc.-H | PO2017
4020225178 FS
Alejandro Saenz
Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
NEW 14 1'10
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225141 UE
Alessandra Buonanno
Gravitational Waves
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020225000 CO
[SG Ph]
ProfessorInnen der Physik
Colloquium of department of physics
NEW 15 1'201
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS PolSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2014
4020225141 VL
Alessandra Buonanno
Gravitational Waves
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020225141 UE
Alessandra Buonanno
Gravitational Waves
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020225137 FS
Peter Uwer
Daniele Artico
Joint theory seminar: DESY Zeuthen and pheno group HU Berlin
nV or digital
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4020225186 FS
Christoph Koch
Current topics in electron microscopy
NEW 15 3'116
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4.FS OptSci | M.Sc.-H | PO2015
4020225141 VL
Alessandra Buonanno
Gravitational Waves
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020225141 UE
Alessandra Buonanno
Gravitational Waves
nV or digital
1.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
2.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
5.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
6.FS Phy | B.Sc.-Mono | PO2018
4020225137 FS
Peter Uwer
Daniele Artico
Joint theory seminar: DESY Zeuthen and pheno group HU Berlin
nV or digital
3.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
4.FS Phy | M.Sc.-H | PO2016
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