WS 2024 SS 2024
WS 2023
WS 2022 SS 2023
Department of Chemistry
open physics
KVL / Klausuren / MAP 1st HS: 16.10  2nd HS: 11.12 19.02  begin SS: 14.04

4020235163 Introduction to Solid State Physics      VVZ  

Mon 9-11
weekly NEW 15 1'201 (120) William Ted Masselink
Wed 9-11
weekly NEW 15 1'201 (120)
Fri 13-15
weekly NEW 14 1'13 (24) Fariba Hatami
Fri 15-17
weekly NEW 14 1'13 (24) William Ted Masselink
Fri 13-15
weekly NEW 14 3'12 (40) Sergii Kurlov


classroom language
The course presents some of the fundamental principles of solid-state physics. Special emphases are in the areas of crystal symmetry, electronic energy bands in crystalline solids, dielectric properties of insulators, phonons, semiconductors, electronic transport in semiconductors, optical properties of semiconductors, and superconductors.
Modules P1.2,P2.2,and P1.4
structure / topics / contents
* Quantized free-electron gas
* Crystal binding and structure
* Reciprocal lattice and diffraction
* Electrons in a periodic lattice
* Semiconductor physics
* Phonons
* Electron dynamics in solids
* Optoelectronic properties of solids
* Magnetic properties of solids
* Superconductors
assigned modules
P7.1 / P10a (SO 2010)
amount, credit points; Exam / major course assessment
6 SWS, 8 SP/ECTS (Arbeitsanteil im Modul für diese Lehrveranstaltung, nicht verbindlich)
Participation in the exercise section is required for credit points to be awarded; the course grade is based on a written final exam.
Prof. W.T. Masselink / Institut für Physik, Raum 3´517
Kittel . Intr. to Solid State Physics. Wiley
Achcroft / Mermin. Solid State Physics. Saunders
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